Writing An Essay: Thinking of 2-3 strong topics

Writing an essay can be an arduous task, especially when starting from scratch with a new idea. Coming up with a topic for an essay can sometimes be the hardest part of the process. There are a few ways of going about choosing a topic. You must take into account your interests, your knowledge and the assignment parameters before coming up with a topic for an essay.

Know the Parameters of the Essay

The first thing you need to consider when choosing a topic for an essay is what the requirements for the essay are. Take in to account how long the essay is required to be. If the essay has to be longer, chose a topic that you feel has a lot of research that could be done for it and a topic that has a lot to discuss. If you have a topic that requires you to have a shorter essay, pick a very specified, detailed topic that is more focused so you don't risk possibly rambling too long about a topic.

Chose a topic that means something to you

Don't chose a topic that you are not interested in. Pick a topic that you have even a slight interest in learning more about. Picking a topic that you have interest in that not only helps you find something more to write about, but also helps you become more interested in researching and learning more about the topic which, in turn, will give you more to write about for your essay. Don’t just think of one; make sure you have multiple possibilities so that if your research proves one topic strong than another you can go with the best possible topic.

In Conclusion

Writing an essay can be an arduous task, especially when you must start from scratch. You should not only commit yourself to one topic, but multiple topics so that you can choose the strongest topic based on your research. Research can change the direction of your paper and having multiple topics that are strong can ensure a successful essay that will achieve the goal of your paper. You must take into account your interests, the parameters of the essay and what your previous knowledge is on the topic. You don’t want a topic to be too vague or you end up rambling or too specific that you end up not being able to find any research on the topic.